Are you paying the minimum sum on your credit card bill? Take a personal loan and save the money. Or if you need quick money for whatever reasons? Don't go to an Ah Long. Standard Chartered can lend you money as fast with much better terms.
SCB's 1-day approval is an actual loan approval and not an in-principle approval that is subject to further terms and conditions.
Standard Chartered CashOne | |
Annual Rate | 6.88% |
Annual Effective Rate | 12.75% |
Maximum Loan Tenure | 5 years |
Cash Rebate | N.A. |
Late Fee | $80.00 |
Minimum Income (Local) | $20,000 |
Minimum Income (Non-Local) | $60,000 |
Remarks | Apply online now and get up to $4,588 cashback (Finko Exclusive). |
Unsure whether you qualify for a personal loan? Feel free to call us for advice.